Among Nation’s Top 100 Injured Workers’ Attorneys For 2014

(WLIG) recently named Steven P. Hammond and George L. Townsend to their annual list of the Nation’s Top 100 Injured Workers’ Attorneys.

WILG’s top injured workers’ attorney program is an invitation only professional recognition program comprised of America’s leading lawyers representing injured workers. WILG’s mission is to help the millions of workers with work-related injuries or occupational illnesses find legal assistance to purse medical or other types of relief provided under workers’ compensation programs.

If you or someone you know has been injured on the job, choose an experienced workers’ compensation attorney like George Townsend or Steve Hammond to fight for your rights. Read more about the HammondTownsend team on our

Have you been injured on the job? Call HammondTownsend.

With over 45 years of combined experience handling Workers’ Compensation claims, our attorneys have recovered over $3 Billion for injured workers. As an exclusive injured workers law firm, our team fights for the compensation you deserve!

We are THE Virginia Workers’ Compensation Law Firm. Serving injured workers across the state of Virginia: Northern Virginia, Richmond, Roanoke, Lynchburg, Harrisonburg, Charlottesville, and Hampton Roads.

Contact us for a FREE case evaluation.

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